The world around us is changing and changing fast, what’s existing is already absolute and everyone is constantly looking out for what’s new on the horizon. As the present gives way to the near future, unlimited technological advancements and controversial ideas replace our immediate scenery in every aspect of our reality. The year may change but the need for new, remains constant. This year proves no exception.What plays the foremost and vital role in bringing about this change at its core is the educational sector.
Impact of change on educational sector
Education has not only changed or evolved over the years but is going through a major structural transformation to adjust with the needs of the tech savvy generation. There is a major transformation in the concept of education, which is not in any way confined to the school walls or fading country boundaries. Worldwide connectivity has induced networked institutes and digitalization has given access to interchanging methodologies across continents, education is no more aparadigm concept.
Top trends in education for 2016 and beyond:
Personalised learning – Individuals are exploring different methods and designing their own learning. Progressive education is more learner-driven today and the flexibility of tailoring the pace, learning approach and environment has become a pleasant possibility.
E-learning – A combination of resource and course where technology and educators have, hand in hand made classrooms without walls successful.Audio, video and interactive features, makes it a suitable option for all ages.
Mobile Learning–A long way from writing pads to I-pads, mobiles have taken on a lot of roles due to its “always at hand” feature whilst inducing the contextual learning a possibility. The flexibility achieved by this medium is undisputable, making anywhere-anytime learning an easyoption.
Gamification – Due to the visual stimulation, the impact of this concept is definitely higher than reading or hearing, thus making it one of the most engaging educational methods of the future.
Flipped Classrooms – This is new method of learning which reverses the traditional technique of classroom and homework. Lectures are viewed and prepared on at home before the class and the exercises on the featured videos/lectures are done during the class.
Massive open online courses (MOOC) – This is a completely technology driven method which adheres to a large number of participants. Course materials in the form of video lectures are available to enrolled participants and an online forum for discussion with educators or fellow learners is provided.
Open Educational Resource –These are high quality open courseware that are freely available online and used by everyone who is interested in taking advantage of the study material. It’s a self-driven learning concept which gives the learner complete flexibility on the pace and learning curve.