How to Prepare for Board Exams?
So…February is looming followed by horrifying March. Stop all fun here and set yourself ready for the pre-boards and boards. It’s the exam time. Are you prepared for the fight?? Not yet!!! No worries. Check out these simple tips and start preparing today.
Pre-boards are an opportunity to determine where you stand and how much you’re ready to appear for the boards. It’s like pre-analyzing your performance in boards. Pre-boards are no less than boards and probably the examination papers are set tough as compared to what students get during boards exams.
Hence, one can say that pre-boards are like a wake-up call that helps you plan your days ahead.
So, this exam season, we bring to you a few preparation tips that will help you crack you pre=boards and consequently your boards 2016!!
Have a look.
- Go through you syllabi thoroughly – Syllabus is the most important consideration when it comes to preparing for exams. Unfortunately, our education system is such that the students are rarely aware of what’s there in the syllabus. Throughout the year, students follow the directions their teachers give them. And at the end… they panic.
Instead, consulting your teacher on the exact syllabus format is a far better way.
- Plan & prioritize – Sometimes, it gets too late for the students to cover their entire syllabus. But, trust me, it’s never too late. If you think that finishing the entire syllabus thoroughly is difficult at this period of time, chalk out the most important topics that you should cover in each subject. Plan and schedule the chapters to be covered essentially keeping the upcoming pre-boards in mind.
However, don’t the same for boards, make sure you cover the left-out topics after your pre-boards.
- It’s time to take help from Sample – One good thing about board classes is that you get the sample papers in advance for preparation. Sample papers not only help you with the important long and short questions but also give you an idea about the paper pattern. Plus, they are also a great way to practice. The more you practice, the better you get, especially in subjects like Mathematics and Science. Solving sample question papers help students revise as in all its probability, these papers cover the entire syllabus.
- Exercise, eat & sleep right
Exerciseis an ideal “brain-builder”. Aerobic activity stimulates your heart and thinking. During exams, students should eat healthy for alertness, better memory retention, and faster information processing. Leave the junk diet & sugary drinks during pre-boards and boards. Take your meals on time and munch on healthy options like nuts, almonds & fruits.Take adequate sleep, about 6-7 hours of restful. Lack of sleep can have a unfavorable effect on your studies.
Last word of advice: Take pre-boards as serious as boards. Treat them as a part of the preparation for the board exams. Pre-boards are set to help you and not stress you out. So… make complete use of this opportunity!