Secrets for Organic Gardening !

Secrets for Organic Gardening !


While your kitchen is a ‘reservoir’ of health and flavor, your kitchen waste can be a savior for your garden too. Wondering, how? The next 5 minutes reading this blog will let you know.

Did you ever think that the banana peel or the egg shells you throw in bin can actually bring life to someone? The nutrients of many food items we eat can be very significant to the soil. We are talking about organic gardening!

When it comes to organic gardening, you usually face two problems: first, the options for all-natural fertilizers lack easy availability; secondly, the one that are available easily are often expensive. Fortunately, making your own natural fertilizers can be both easy and inexpensive.

Have a look at the 5 kitchen waste items that can add life to your garden.


  1. Epsom Salts

Using Epsom salts in gardening is not new; this secret has been around for many years. Why?

This magical component contains magnesium and sulfur that are critical for seed germination and protein production in plants, respectively. It helps improve flower blooming and increases chlorophyll production adding more green color to the plant. It can even help plants grow bushier. A dose of Epsom salt can increases flower and fruit growth in plants like roses, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and houseplants.

All you just have to do is to make a solution by combining 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and 1 gallon of water. Spray the solution to the plants for best results.

  1. Vinegar Fertilizer

Another inexpensive yet effective natural fertilizer is the plain white vinegar that you probably use in almost everything you cook. Vinegar is an effective fertilizer for acid-loving plants like hydrangeas, roses, and berries because of the presence of acetic acid in it. Simply combine a tablespoon of vinegar to one gallon of water and use this solution in place of your regular watering once every three months.

  1. Adding Crumbled Eggshells

    The next time you crack eggs to fill your tummy, don’t toss away the shells; the crumbled eggshells can do wonders if you garden.

Eggshells are rich in calcium carbonate and plants need calcium to grow. The Calcium in eggshell helps the plants develop a strong cellular structure. Deficiency of calcium in plants like tomatoes can cause blossom rot. Dig crumbled eggshells into the soil around the plant base or place them in the bottom of your planting hole to us them as fertilizer.


  1. Banana Peels

Banana peels are packed with the “big three” macronutrients, namely, Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus. This nutrient content in the banana peel helps your garden plants in the developmental stages, from seed germination to fruit or flower production. Also, banana peels help plants resist many diseases because of these nutrients.

Collect as many banana peels as you could. Put them into a high speed blender and add some water to liquefy the mixture. Use this slurry under the soil to help your plants thrive without attracting harmful pests or insects looking for a quick snack.


  1. Coffee Grounds

The benefit of using coffee grounds fertilizer in the garden is that it adds organic content to the soil improving drainage, aeration and water retention in the soil. Even the used coffee grounds can help micro-organisms significant for the plant growth thrive and attract earthworms. Often, people place coffee grounds directly onto the soil to use it as a fertilizer. Here, it is important to note that although coffee grounds add nitrogen to your compost, they won’t react the same way immediately to your soil.

The best way to use Coffee grounds is by sprinkling them on top of the soil before watering. You can also pour a liquid version on top of the soil. Or if you’re using it as a soil drench, dip 6 cups of coffee grounds in 5 gallons of water. Allow it to sit for 2-3 days and then saturate the soil around your plants.
What’s your Secret to make our Garden bloom naturally? Feel free to share with us.

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