“Put your books aside and enter the exam hall. Time has begun!”
And the trouble starts!!
You feel like ‘lifeless.’
Your heart gets a stroke.
You body sweats and as you see the exam paper on your desk…your mind goes blank!!! Isn’t it????
This is a genuine case with every student…the Exam Phobia!
When students are asked about exams and tests, their replies come like:
- I can’t afford to do badly on this exam!”
- What will I do if I fail?”
- “I’ll be so dissatisfied if I don’t get an ‘A’.”
The fear of exams has greatly changed the meaning of education; it’s no more than a race today. Education is no more featured by exploration and discovery. And hence there’s no sense of curiosity. Instead it has created a sense of fear of failure in students.
Here are some of the tips to help students if their test nerves “muddy your waters” during tests or exams.
Prepare calm before exam: For students who fear from exam, it is important that they take emotional preparation as part of their overall exam preparation. Hence, try to control your fear and study well before exam. Also, instead of thinking about not succeeding in the exam, focus more on how you want to feel during the exam. This will help you feel calm and concentrate in books.
Feel Positive: Simply, do these:
- Spend some time in peace. Sit and close your eyes.
- Breathe evenly and deeply, imagine yourself going to your exam centre, maybe driving or walking.
- As your body continues to rest more, observe yourself entering the exam room to sit your exam. Imagine that you’re looking calm, confident and focused.
- Continue to watch yourself completely focused and relaxed, finishing the whole exam.
- When you’re done, allow yourself a few moments to enjoy feeling at peace and calm.
- Slowly, open your eyes and feel the comfort.
This practice will fill you with positivity and determination during exams and that exam-phobia will vanish away.
Change your mindset
Undoubtedly, exams are fearful and troublesome. Students feel anxious and uncomfortable as their exams or tests come near and most likely they panic. They become pessimist about the result of their exam, even before the exam starts. Here students should learn to control their attitude and mindset towards this situation. Remember, every exam is challenge for you that you can meet easily. You have prepared well for them as carefully and concentrated as possible.
Here are some more statements that can help you boost your confident and improve your attitude towards exam fear.
Read them out aloud before an exam.
- I’m positive about the approaching exam
- I can do it, I don’t care how difficult it becomes
- I’m excited about my exams as I find them very challenging
- It’s only an exam. Nobody will punish me neither I’m not going to die
- I take every exam as an opportunity to show my knowledge
- I’m very confident and relaxed that helps me to remember everything I studied
The Bottom Line
Tie your shoe lace and get into the race! But play it with fun and leave all worries. Prepare well for your upcoming tests and invest ample time to study for it. If you have excellently prepared then there is no need to fear about failure. Have faith in your efforts.