How to Prepare for Board Exams? So…February is looming followed by horrifying March. Stop all fun here and set yourself ready for the pre-boards and boards. It’s the exam time. Are you prepared for the fight?? Not yet!!! No worries. Check out these simple tips and start preparing today. Pre-boards are an opportunity […]
Category: Assessment Tests
Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get things right
“Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get things right”. So…what have you planned for yourself in this New Year? When I was in my school days, every New Year, I pledged to improve myself in some or the other way…and I tried my best to keep up the promise…and trust […]
Secrets Your HR Won’t Tell You
It’s been almost 10 months I have been working in the current company. Being my first company, I believe that it is the best ‘starter’ for me. When you like a place or its people, you probably make more efforts whole-heartedly and this what exactly I did. Working till late, extra efforts, getting more projects […]
Answering the Tricky interview question “Why do you want to work with us?”
Often candidates lose a job due to the tricks that recruiters play with them – asking perplexing questions during the interviews. The most common, yet the one that makes a job seeker nervous or lose its confident is, “Why you want to work with us?” And simply answering it, “Because your company is the best” […]
Why Should You ‘Give Back’ to Your Alma Mater?
Since adolescence, I waited for the day when I could give my parents a return for all the hardships they’ve been through, for me. Last month, I bought them a brand new car, the one my father loved. Making your parents feel proud is the greatest emotion in the world, and probably the biggest triumph […]
How to actually start working on your Dream Job?
Ever since we are born, we are made to do what we are least interested in. Sometimes it works well but after a certain age, it feels like bamboozling, especially when it comes to deciding our dream career. I always wanted to get into administrative jobs. But, my parents wanted me to be a doctor, […]
Started a new career! How can alumni engagement platform find the right mentors for you?
Summary They say, “It is so essential to surround yourself with individuals who have already passed through, where you want to be.” So, having a mentor means learning with someone’s experience to reach a desirable state in life. As such, the various alumni programs strive to get the newbies a perfect mentor to guide them. […]
Recognizing what you’re good at is the key to find the right career. How to discover the appropriate key skills within?
A common yet perplexing question that often turns students ‘pale’ during the interview is probably, “What you’re best at?” or “What skills makes you stand unique?” Everybody knows what they are good at, but they don’t realize it. So, here are a few simple ways to discover your key skills within. Have a look. Introduction […]