Mentoring – What’s In It for Me?

Rightly said, “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”  Mentoring! We have been discussing and writing a lot about it. Till now, you might have heard that mentoring is a powerful personal development tool that helps individuals empower themselves. But, we say that mentoring is […]

Mentorship Programs and their Benefits

  Mentorship Programs and their Benefits A fact- an adult can offer the best mentorship and can be a powerful role model for a child in his growing years. Under right mentoring and guidance, youngsters get encouragement and support to grow and succeed in their life. For this reason, many schools and universities offer mentoring […]

Connect With Your Almamater

Ways to Get Involved with your Alumni Whether you’re looking for a new job or planning a career change, your alumni can be a networking goldmine. Have a look at how you can connect with your alumni. Introduction So, you’re done with your graduation and are all-set to step ahead to build your career in your […]


While the reputation of any school/university greatly depends on the facilities, academic and extra-curricular results, investments and environment, there’s one aspect that requires encouragement and support to aid in boosting its reputation further.  ALUMNI  & THEIR ASSOCIATION !!! Yes, Alumni Association can bring strength and expansion to the institution’s progress and reputation. Alumni Association is […]

Why Your University Needs Better Data Management?

What your University does to manage its massive data?  Is it still following those traditional methods of data processing? If this is so, you need to tie your shoelace. Universities should now begin managing their data processes online. This is because most of their students and alumni are available online, and using an online data […]

Benefits of Mentoring Platforms for Students

Mentoring is an interesting and engaging extra-curricular that offers incoming and present students and alumni. It is about efficient usage of university resources, networking and connecting students and alumni, offering them support to handle their entire journey of life from university to professionalism. Having a mentoring platform has proven to be very beneficial for the […]

AlmaBay Mentorship Program

AlmaBay Mentorship Program With an objective to provide experience, expertise and direction to the students, AlmaBay has created mentorship programs that would not only prove to be advantages but profoundly insightful as well for students focusing on moving further in education or zeroing in, on career choices and opportunities ahead. Introduction: The primary motive of […]